Successful internet marketing has many facets. Some are things we can control from our websites, while others are more or less out of our control, though we can influence them greatly. On page seo is the former, allowing us to hone in on areas that need improvement at our site. We can always stand to improve things. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying we should forever be revamping our site and never get on to more important things like making money. In fact, I've written about this very topic before on this blog, stating that Arkansas internet marketers lack focus in terms of building businesses. They far too often get bogged down with color choices and the like.
But, once we have a working business, we would be foolish to stop paying attention, stop gathering or evaluating statistics, stop testing and stop improving our site. After all, if' I'm making money successfully online, don't I want to try and make more? I do!
If you do too, here are some things you should pay attention to on your site that are straight up on page seo:
- Title Tags are a must
- Keywords can't hurt
- Descriptions are a must
- Link architecture
- Use your keywords in your copy
- Anchor text
- Alt Tags
- Image optimization
- Don't use java for links that matter or flash
- Use nofollow on links that don't matter to save link juice
- Don't use duplicate content
- Find out what that really means!
That's not everything, but it's a good start. Basically you want to look at your site through the eyes of your visitors and through the eyes of a spider. We have to give them both what they want if we want to be successful.
Happy marketing!
Arkansas internet marketing consulting and private coaching is available.
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